Allvr’s Product Management course is a 4-week part-time program for students and professionals who want to transition into product management
roles at software-based companies.
The Product Management course consists of Projects, Research, Communication, Mock Interviews, Resume Workshops, and Case Studies.
Projects - Projects are include the following, but not limited to: Creating a company and a product, go through methods of understanding a company and create documented work, create an MVP and designs, and write PRDS.
Research - Researching business opportunities. Using quantitative, qualitative methods, and other business models.
Communication - How to communicate as a Product Manager. Create speaking content and presentation content.
Mock Interviews - Group and 1-on-1 mock interviews based on previous industry questions.
Resume Workshop - How to tailor your resume as a Product Manager and get interviews, what recruiters think and make judgements, and recreating your resume based on feedback.
Case Studies - Going through business strategy case studies for small to large companies.